Ascension To Alchemist: II
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This article reprinted from John T. Unger's Art Heroes. The original article can be found online:
© 2010, John T Unger
When the time is right
I will take the world
by grace & storm.
Nobody will ever know
I've done this.
Nothing external will change.
It is only that
I will no longer question destiny.
The three wyrd sisters will speak to me
laying aside their spinning & snipping
& stilling the shuttle in the loom
should I stop by.
All roads go where they are going
but I will choose when & where I walk.
Whether it be deer-path, highway or open field
I will not be bound by the shoulders & gullys
that mark accepted trails.
It is not that Mystery will cease.
She will lay down beside me.
We will wed within.
The world in which I walk
will walk within me.
All six senses will sing
wild & simple tunes of pleasure
Doors will open to my gaze
like windows.
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