Wild Horses Win More Prizes

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for Mâmâ, who deserves it most

Of all those who tried their hand
at raising me as a child
you were the only one
who never tried to tame or break me.

Perhaps it is this love for what is wild
that ties us closest together.
Between you & I there was never a need
    for spurs or bridle, saddle or crop.
We have lived our lives for the joy
      of the ride, full tilt
          into the face of the world.

I remember racing horses
through orchards floored in purple vetch.
We loosed the reins & gave them their way
& headed them home at twilight.

When I yearned to be in the race,
when I looked only for a chance to run the track,
you were the one to place your bet
        on this longshot from the hills.

The hell with being put to pasture!
Let blue ribbons be our lot
& may we always give them a run for their money.

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John T. Unger poet

I'm best known as an artist and designer. Relaxing makes me tense, so I tend to put in a lot of hours on diverse projects.

Before becoming a visual artist, I spent 15 years as a poet. I studied poetry at Interlochen Arts Academy, Naropa, Stone Circle and on the streets. I performed my work for years at Stone Circle, solo shows, poetry readings, and at Lollapalooza in 1996.

I still write poems, but only if I can make them fit the constraints ofTwitter.

Mobile: 231.584.2710 (9 to 5 PST only) | Email me

Art IS my day job

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