Anima VII

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There is a curious ecstasy
to passion held in restraint,
the sacrifice of will
for the pleasure or well-being
of another.
In selflessness there is a dissolution
allowing systematic rebirth. 
A knowledge stemming from the bones
in a code of touch.
Having shared these secrets &
confidences so thoroughly
it is inevitable that we be lovers someday.
I may be wrong
but I know the truth of it.

Under my skin
I know exactly what I want to do.
I keep this spell.

« Anima VI | Main | Anima VIII »

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John T. Unger poet

I'm best known as an artist and designer. Relaxing makes me tense, so I tend to put in a lot of hours on diverse projects.

Before becoming a visual artist, I spent 15 years as a poet. I studied poetry at Interlochen Arts Academy, Naropa, Stone Circle and on the streets. I performed my work for years at Stone Circle, solo shows, poetry readings, and at Lollapalooza in 1996.

I still write poems, but only if I can make them fit the constraints ofTwitter.

Mobile: 231.584.2710 (9 to 5 PST only) | Email me

Art IS my day job

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