Hearts wide open to the eternal rains
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This article reprinted from John T. Unger's Art Heroes. The original article can be found online:
© 2010, John T Unger
Jacob wrestled with sleep—you who fall into nothingness and dread sleep. He wrestled with sleep like a man reading a strong sentence.
—Robert Duncan
Oh the sleepless weeks we rambled in search of living dreams—dreams so strong they drowned the world of worriers, the so called ‘real world’ in seas of obfuscation. Blues dreams of poetry, death and love, of single notes we could use to build whole worlds!
I am never so awake as when I'm dreaming and need not close my eyes to sleep to taste those raging waters. When will the flood come take us? When will we die deep into the waters with our hearts wide open to the eternal rains? Perhaps we already have!
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